NPs in Illinois must work with a doctor as part of a cooperation agreement. What should be included in a collaborative practice contract? The cooperation contract between the nurse and the doctor describes the working relationship between the NP and the doctor. It describes the categories of care, treatment and procedures that the NP expects. A written monitoring agreement should describe the treatments and procedures that an AP can perform and the procedures that require the presence of the medical practitioner. 225 ILCS §95/7.5 The written cooperation contract applies to the services provided by the doctor or podiatrist cooperating to his patients in general in the normal course of clinical practice. Does the cooperating physician in Illinois have to be in the same specialty? In other words, can a general surgeon work with a nurse who provides basic care? The practice should have a process of monitoring all the tests ordered to make sure that tests have been done and that the results of the tests have been verified by the doctor, or I want to open a clinic that only does Botox, fillers and laser hair removal. I know I need a cooperation agreement, but can it be a family doctor, chiropractor, dermatologist, or plastic surgeon? I think you are right! It appears that House Bill 1052 “Removing References to an Agreement on Collaborative Practices” was passed and came into force on January 1, 2014. Known as the “Land of Lincoln,” home of the first McDonald`s, Chicago Bears, Cubs and Bulls, and trendy Michigan AVE shopping street, illinois has a lot to offer….