But if these nouns are used without “a pair of”, they take a plural verb: 9. Distances, weights, etc.: For distances, weight, size or amounts of money, we use a singular verb, even if the subject is plural: Directions: Underline the correct verb in these sentences. 1. The girl or her sisters (watch, watch) watch TV every day. 2. Rohan (doesn`t, doesn`t) loves sports. 3. His classmates or the boy (studies, studies) before a test. 4. One of the cookies (is, is) missing. 5.

A lady with 10 dogs (live, live) in this big house. 6. Mumps (is, are) very serious. 7. The commission (decides, decides) when it is postponed. 8. Our team (is, is) the best. 9. Everyone (enjoys, enjoys) a good song. 10. Either (is, are) appropriate.

C. Fill in the blanks with the verb corrector indicated in parentheses. Exception 2: In composite nouns that are by and connected, the verb is singular. 11. Plural nouns with singular meaning: nouns that are plural but singularly significant generally adopt a singular verb: in the example, a wish is expressed, not a fact; This is why the were, which we usually consider a plural verblage, is used with the singular. Rule 3. If two singulars refer to the same person, the verb must be in the singular. Examples: 17. If a singular subject is associated by and in addition to, except, etc., with another subject or pronoun, we use a singular verb.

One. In each of the following sentences, they indicate a verb in agreement with its subject: The subject-verb agreement is one of the first things you learn in teaching English: the subject and the verb must correspond in number and person. Rule 4: Sometimes the subject is separated from the verb by words like with, as well as, next to it, not, etc. These words and phrases are not part of the topic. Ignore them and use a singular if the subject is singular. In these sentences are composite names of break and entry and bed & breakfast. Exception 3: If two singular nouns refer to the same person or thing, although they are by and connected, the verb is singular. Example: Mathematics is an easy subject for some people. Other words in this category are: economy, mumps, measles, rupees, news, politics, statistics, civic education, etc. The non-made pronoun can be either singular or plural; It doesn`t matter if you use a singular or a plural plate, unless something else in the sentence determines its number.

If none of them are considered a meaning, we can choose a plural verb, as in “No engine works”, but if something else pushes us not to consider any meaning as one, we want a singular verb, as in “None of the food is broken”. Article 11. Nouns such as food, furniture, dishes, stationery, etc., are singular, which is why the verb must be singular. Examples: 7. Introduction “there”: the verb must correspond to the subject following the introduction. If the subject is singular, a singular verb follows. If the subject itself is plural, “there”, there is a plural verblage: rule 7: Collective nouns such as family, couple, collaborators, public, etc., accept a singular verbage. 10. Plural nouns: The title of a book, the name of a house or hotel in the plural accepts a singular verbrage: 13. On collective names such as group, quantity, herd, regiment, etc.

Usually follows a singular verb: 15. Mathematics (is, are) John`s favorite subject, while civics (is, are) Andreas` favorite subject. Rule 9. Collective nouns take the verb in the singular, but if individuals are taken separately, the verb can be in the plural. Example: Ram and Shyam are on the market. Exception 1: If there are two subjects in a sentence that are by and connected, but are preceded by each or everyone, then the verb is always singular. Article 12. Phrases like “many”, “many”, “most” are used in the singular when they refer to quantity or quantity, but they take on a plural message when they relate to number. Example: 8. Two or more nouns: If two or more nouns act as a subject, a plural verbage is used: rule 5.

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