to make an agreement, or to put an end to an argument with someone, to agree to be part of a formal agreement or a contract, do you have a smart way to remember that rule? Any advice to avoid a mistake in “Come to an agreement”? Share it with us! Finding agreement on a subject on which people had different opinions to do something like an agreement or agreement that would give both parties an advantage or advantage Our agreement was that you would pay until the first of the month. Management indicated that an agreement had been reached with the unions. We finally agreed: I cook and clean Ann. There is broad consensus that forest damage is due to air pollution. After much discussion, there has still been no agreement on what to do next. The committee finally reached agreement on two important issues. The 26 countries have signed an agreement to reduce air pollution. to agree on a victory/deal/agreement, etc., safely or in full, to reach an agreement, to reach an agreement, to accommodate the linguistic act – concord, concord, harmony – grammatical relationship – descriptive linguistic [Hyper.] 1.achieve harmonize opinion, emotion or purpose “None of my colleagues agree on who to elect president” English Vocabulary Councils – Definition with Gymglish. Improve your English and try our free online English courses. agree, concord, competer, go with, hold, settle on – grammatical, syntax[Domain] make concessions to reach an agreement (en) [ClassHyper.] to get something after discussing it or having thought about it long and hard.